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A United Way Agency

United Way Organization

June 1999

1. Shaky Acres is looking for individuals who are willing to share their knowledge of expertise in fields such as computer, refrigerator and electronic repairing. We need these individuals so that they can train others.

2. We are looking to put a 5-6 room facility on St. John.  We were asked to speak at the Rotary of St. John luncheon at Pussers on Friday May 28, 1999.  The Rotary Club seems to want to take us under their broad wings. We discussed the Sponsor a Bed Program, and establishing a drop off location for the island of St. John for items donated to the thrift shop.  

3. Sugar Bay Furniture Sale - Coming soon.  Expect very low prices with lots of cost-effective deals.  Pictures will be posted by at least the 3rd week of July.

4. Leslie Cooper has agreed to allow us to remain at his Smith Bay shopping center.  We are going to move to a slightly smaller and more affordable store.  We will phase our the Subbase location by July 30, 1999. 

5. Shaky Acres´ Fund Developer Gary Hellyer has a tentative agreement with a local developer in the works whereas Shaky Acres will have a more permanent location.  The idea is to clear the small plot of land and have it surrounded by 40 ft.  Trailers, which would serve as storage containers and also a support system for a galvalum roofing to house the flea-market area. 

We will be having quarterly flea-market events for now.  But we will have certain items to offer for "a suggested donation" at the Smith Bay Store and our phone number will remain as 775-3006.

 May Announcements