Thanks, 1999 Donor.
You helped save our Acres! Without the money you and other friends of Shaky Acres donated last year, some Virgin Islanders would not have had the chance to try to recover from their alcohol and other drug
dependencies. And that would have been a shame. Because, during its 18 years of existence, Shaky Acres has maintained a success rate of well over 80%. But the problem is growing... our waiting list
is growing... and our need for help is growing! We will have to raise another $45,000 in year 2000 to continue serving our community. That's why were asking all those who helped last year to help us
once again.
The simplest way to help is to sponsor one or more Shaky Acres beds. Just $1,000. pays for a clean bed, a nutritional diet, and a program of services for one person for one full year. To
sponsor a bed or beds please send a check for $1,000 (or multiples thereof) made out to Shaky Acres to P.O. Box 306177, St. Thomas VI 00803.
Cant sponsor a full bed? Please send whatever you can. Thank you.
The Shaky Acres Sponsor-A-Bed Committee.
Please keep in mind that Shaky Acres is a vital link in our community, and the community needs
your continued support. Also -- "It only takes a few caring people to change the world that's the only thing that ever has". You may download a Donation Tax Form by clicking on the links below. You
will need Adobe Acrobat.