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A United Way Agency

United Way Organization

TO:       Managing Editors; News Reporters and Photo Directors;
             Radio and Television Editors and Producers; Television
             Talk Show Hosts

FROM:   Public Information Committee of Alcoholics Anonymous         


We seek your continued support by presenting A.A. members:                    only by first name using no recognizable picture.  Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of our Fellowship and assures our members that their recovery will be private. Often, the active alcoholic will avoid any source of help which might reveal his or her identity.       Alcoholics Anonymous is not affiliated with any other organization, although many  have adapted AA's Twelve Steps for their own use.  A.A. is self-supporting, declining any outside contributions; and we are non-professional, offering only the voluntary support of one alcoholic helping another. Throughout the world, favorable media coverage has been a principal means of bringing alcoholics into our Fellowship. You have helped make this possible, and for       that we thank you.  If you are a professional and wish to e-mail us your postal mailing address at this time so that we may send you further information, please click here:

* Shaky Acres and Alcoholic's Anonymous are two different organizations, but our residents are required to go to at least one meeting a day at either AA or NA.